Secretary’s Report 2020
From The Secretary’s Desk
Welcome and greetings to all members and guests for the 2020, 2nd / 3rd ALAA Regiment Association AGM and Annual Luncheon at this excellent RACV venue.
As has been the case since we established our web site, most enquires are received through the website or by email. Association Research Officer David McDonald handles the more detailed responses. (Please refer to the Sentry’s Log for some examples of enquiries in this year’s Take Post)
This past twelve months very little correspondence has come across my desk apart from a couple of phone calls towards the end of the calendar year and early this year.
One such phone call was from Foster and Katherine Crooke asking whether we would like an article for Take Post relating to their two trips to World War Two sites in the islands of Papa New Guinea in May and December 2019.(We are pleased to include Foster and Katherine’s story in this issue of Take Post)