President’s Report 1991
What a wonderful experience it was to welcome 175 good men and true at our last re-union. A first rate attendance marked by a strong interstate contingent. The feeling gained was that everyone appreciated the sit-down meal and your committee is working towards a repeat performance. The Association this year is again subsidising the cost to a considerable extent.
l99l marks 50 years since the Battle of Crete, the commencement of the Siege of Tobruk and the Westem Desert and Syrian Campaigns, so do your level best to attend on 24th April and march on Anzac day. This country needs a resurgence of the Anzac spirit and the more we show that it is still alive, the better.
One final point – Editor Ron Bryant whose address is on the front page, will be glad to receive notes for future newsletters with news of our gunners, or of interesting stories, events or photos which missed “On Target” but which should be recorded.
Looking forward to seeing you at the re-union – meantirne, best wishes to each one of you.