Secretary’s Report 2003
From The Secretary’s Desk
Welcome once again to my bits and pieces. I think that it keeps us together and gives a little information on what we are all doing.
Ina Gregory advised that Keith Gregory (9), is in full time care, but comes home most weekends. Keith sends his regards to all his mates.
As usual, Kevin Grey secretary of the 2/3 Composite AA Regiment Assoc. regularly sends news of that Association. A number of our 9 battery members are associated and attend functions. Keep up the good work Kevin.
Constance Little, happily settled in a retirement village, sends newsy bits to me. There are a few verses in this issue written by Constance. She catches up with Col McNaughton (8) who lives in the same area in Gippsland.
Thank you to Doug Esler, for advising of the death of his mother Jessie.
A nice letter from Reg Dickson (7) wishing to buy a copy of “On Target”. If anyone can help, please contact me.
Jim Silver and Alan Rundle (both 9th) applied to attend the Milne Bay Commemorative Mission but missed out as there were only 20 places altogether.
From David McDonald son of Robert McDonald, Sigs – had hoped to be at the 2002 Reunion, but didn’t make it. Maybe this year David.
Dan Hawkes (9) sent us our front page photo of the Bofors crew at Milne Bay. Dan remembers Grif Weatherly when visiting the gun crews always had a camera hanging around his neck. Have you any photos for the editor Grif?
A great letter from Bob Phillips (8) enjoying immensely although reading with great difficulty owing to sight impairment,
Alex Barnett’s book “Hitler’s Digger Slaves”. It is a good read!
Col Reilly (8), a regular at the reunion and the March, missed on coming last year because of a sudden illness. [Better luck this year Col.]
Joyce Ritchie, daughter of Lt Col Hipworth, telling of his great-grandson Captain Chris Smith having passed through the Military Academy and Duntroon. He was posted to Israel in June last.
John Ballantine (9) was in hospital and who was in the ward with him but John Graham (also 9). We hope that you are both O.K.!
A lovely letter from Rosemary Hay, daughter of Herbie Hay (8); Rosemary enclosed a copy of her eulogy given at his funeral. As well as being a good athlete, he was a well known cricketer in Bendigo and district, and later an owner of horses, with which he had some success.
Mary Woodfield, nee Elder, writes that she always watches the March. Mary has taken her children to the Hellenic Memorial at the Shrine so that they can honor their great grandfather.
George Roberts (8), still wondering where Bluey Page (8) is. [Bluey hasn’t been too good George, and hasn’t travelled – give him a call at (03) 9807 5684.]
Stan (Twinkle) Rowan (8) however did call and renew old times, as did Roy Popplestone (8).
Lynton Rose son of the late Clive Rose, sent a change of address to Beaumaris and thought that the photo of the Regiment taken on Anzac Day 1946, and printed in last years “Take Post” was a ‘classic image’ of that era. [I thought that none of us had the look of those “Bronze Aussie Anzacs”.]
Thanks to Bill Garrigan (7) for identifying names in a photo for Margaret Warren, daughter of Jack Phillips).
Alex Barnett (8) appreciated the plug for his book “Hitler’s Digger Slaves “. [I hope the sales have been satisfactory Alex.]
Frank O’Toole (9) has trouble travelling from NSW for our reunion. [Maybe one day soon Frank.] Frank has seen Jack Hunt (9) every so often.
Had a phone call from Beryl Hawkins during the year, asking that because of poor sight, would I send “Take Post” to her son Graeme – no problem Beryl that will be done.
Esme Curtis writes that she has moved to a retirement village since the death of Ron (Killer) Curtis (9). [We will miss Killer at our reunion and March this year Esme.]
A letter in his impeccable writing, from David Carty (9), thanking the Committee for its good work. [Thank you David, lets hope we can continue for a few more years.]
Winifred, widow of Len Jeffrey (7) rang asking if any 7 Bty members can remember her husband either in Crete or in POW camps. If so please contact me, the Secretary, and I will arrange for Winifred to contact you.
I have had many messages of thanks to the committee for its work for the Association; the quality of “Take Post” is always high on the list too. Thank you all for those expressions and I am sure that your committee will endeavour to keep up the standard. As David Carty said in his letter “you must all be over eighty “; he is not far wrong.
Make the most of the year – each year is getting shorter.
John Campbell, Hon Sec.