Secretary’s Report 2009
From the Secretary’s Desk
In this, my first year as Honorary Secretary, I spent a great deal time of time worrying about where I was going to obtain the raw material from which my report and “Take Post” was to be assembled. I need not have worried!
A direct approach to a number of original Regiment members as well as some direct approaches to myself, offers of contributions from Committee members and letters from members and families of members found us struggling to contain both the size of “Take Post” and my report.
We have probably got enough material either in hand or promised for half of next year’s “Take Post” already. My sincere thanks goes to all contributors.
I received a letter from Joan Anderson, wife of John Anderson (7) in which she advised John would not be able to attend any more reunions due to his ill health. However, Joan did want us to know how much John had looked forward to the reunions and thanked the Association for their work.
Pat Delves (7) also advised he was unable to attend but wished us a “nice night”.
Elizabeth Goddard, wife of Jim Goddard (7) similarly wrote to advise that Jim was unable to make the trip, but that he wishes everyone well and to be remembered to mates that served with him. Elizabeth went on to write: ”His war service means more to him than words can describe and he is sorry not to be with you at this time.”
Betty Spiller advised that Arthur Spiller (RHQ) at 95 years is in “Special Care”. Betty wished the Association a “great reunion”.
Frank Hands (8) apologised for not being at the reunion, but advised he was off on a three-month holiday starting on 1 April!
Committee member Anne Rae is also an apology as she will be holidaying in the Galapagos Islands