Secretary’s Report 1999
From The Secretary’s Desk
Greetings to you all from your Committee and from myself. Thank you for the letters and phone calls; please keep them coming. Again this year I have been able to help some family members with information of their father’s service in the 2/3rd. I am not always able to help a great deal, but will do my best.
Quite a number aren’t able to get around much these days and a number of apologies were received for our last Annual Luncheon. They included – Ted Sands, Bob Westall and Dave Humphries.
Frank O’Toole from NSW sends regards to his old mates. Bill Waddell and David Carty sent messages in appreciation of Take Post; keep it going was the cry!
David Owens hopefully has recovered from a heart attack.
Alex Barnett (8) of Port Macquarie has completed a 300 page book, which is to be published this year, and possibly called “Trapped in the Red”. Alex was a POW.
Jim Charters (7) met Dave Thomson recently and after all these years is now on our members’ list; welcome Jim, hope to see you at the reunion!
Kevin Grey, Hon Secretary of the 2/3 Composite Lt AA Regt Association was able to give me a list of former 9th Bty members not on our Unit Association list. I wrote to them all and had a wonderful response.
These “lost” members are Hugh Finn who couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his best mate Pancho McDonald’s face on the front of the Take Post I had sent him.
Hugh says “Hi” Pancho. Dan Hawkes sent photos for identification. I hope you got them back Dan, with names attached.
Others who contacted me were Stan Walker, Bob Williams, Bob McAndrew, Bob Sampson, Cliff Cullen, Perc Hancock and Bob Robson.
Thank you all for the newsy letters. I look forward to this year when I hope to get more letters from you.
John Campbell