Earle “Slim” Webster, Ruth Harvey (grand daughter-in-law) and Association Honorary Secretary, Colin Bragg
Earle “Slim” Webster [7] and his grand daughter-in-law, Ruth Harvey
Earle “Slim” Webster [7], John Marshall [8] and Frank Hands [8]
Earle Webster [7], John Marshall [8], Frank Hands [8], Cec Rae [9] and John Campbell [8].
Ray Everlyn, who also attended the reunion, had departed before the group photo was taken.
Dot Harris (daughter of Les Harris [7/8], Frank Hands [8] and Bill Stokes (son of Major Phil Stokes [8]
Bill Stokes and Sue Leidler (son and grand daughter of Major Phil Sokes, Commanding Officer, 8 Battery).
Dorothy Donelly (widow of Cec Donelly [7] and Betty Wrigglesworth (widow of Bill Wrigglesworth [7]
Committee member Anne Rae (daughter of Cec Rae [9]0, John Campbell [8] and Association Research Officer David McDonald (son of Robert McDonald [Signals]).
Win Chitts (widow of Les Chitts [9]), Doreen Bryant (widow of Ron Bryant [8]) and Lyne Chitts (daughter of Les Chitts).
Ruth Harvey (grand daughter-in-law of Earle “Slim” Webster with Earle.
Rhonda Rose (daughter-in-law of Clive Rose [RHQ]) and Kaye Huggins (daughter of Cec Donelly [9]).
During Association Research Officer David McDonald’s report to members.
Across a crowded room during the reports to members.