FRom left: Les Shields, Griff Loughnan, Daniel Wanders, Gaye Berry, Graeme Heddle, Lynton Rose, Lisa Foran, Anne Rae, Ann Bragg, Jeremy Pope, Oliver Pope, Dana, Joanne, Colin Bragg.
On the forecourt of the Shrine. Association members include Daniel Wanders, Matthew Heddle, ? Pope, Gaye Berry, Anne Rae, Colin Bragg, Griff Loughnan, Les Shields
Heading down St. Kilda Road, Daniel Wanders and Matthew Heddle carrying the Banner, Also in the picture are Oliver Pope (left) and Graeme Heddle (centre)
Daniel Wanders (grandson of Alan Young (7th) and Matthew Heddle (grandson of Charles Heddle (9th) carry the Banner. Also in the photo are Graeme Heddle (son of Charles Heddle), Oliver Pope (grandson of George Pope (8th), Joanne ? (grand daughter of Alan Rundle (9th), and Ann & Colin Bragg (daughter & son-in-law of Jim Paton (9th).