Walter Rule, Syria, August 1941
Walter Rule, Syria, August 1941
Clive and Phylis Rose 1944
Frank Seaton, Geraldton, 1942
Frank Seaton, Nedlands, 1942
GEB (Geoff) Wansey, Lae, 1943-44
Purcell, John and Mann, Jim
Rae, Cec (right), Paton, Jim (centre) and Cole, Harold
Rae, Cec and Anderson, Harry
Rae, Cec and Sampson, Jerry
Rae, Cec Rogers, Col and Paton, Jim
Rhoden, Lt. Col. JW and Purcell, Captain John
Rhoden, Lt. Col. JW Commanding Officer
Rhoden, Lt.Col.JW and Stokes, Major Phil
Roberts, Phil and Croft, Nap cleaning a Breda gun
Sergeant Walter Rule, Palestine, April 1941
Shields, Les at the cook house
Stokes, Major Phil and his Humber
Stokes, Major Phil and unidentified officer
Stokes, Major Phil in staff car
Stokes, Major Phil, Photographer
Telford, Dick with Arab boys
Unidentified Signals Operator
Walter Rule Camel Crew, 1941
Walter Rule Milne Bay, 1942
Walter Rule Milne Bay, 1942
Walter Rule Milne Bay, 1942/43
Walter Rule Palestine, March 1941
Walter Rule, Lae, 1943/44
Walter Rule, Lae, 1943/44
Walter Rule, Lae, 1943/44
Walter Rule, Milne Bay, October 1943
Walter Rule, Tel Aviv, April 1941
Webster, Malcolm in partisan uniform
Young AF, Captain and Adjutant
Young, John Rhoden CO, Young