Ready For A Round Of Golf
Ready For A Round Of Golf
8 Battery, D Troop (With Names)
8 Battery, C Troop (With Names)
8 Battery, B Troop (With Names)
8 Battery, A Troop (With Names)
8 Battery Group In Toowoomba
8 Battery Group After A Swim
8 Battery Group After A Swim
8 Battery Group After Route March, Helidon, 1943
Group On Leave In Perth, 1943
Jim Courtney MM Gun Detail
Roy Williams Gun Detail, Melville, 1942
Troop HQ, Melville, WA, July 1943
VX32933 George Pope 8 Bty
VX32933 George Pope 8 Bty
VX32933 George Pope 8 Bty
VX32933 George Pope 8 Bty
Stokes Travelling Circus Graffiti
8 Battery Captured Breda Gun
Major Stokes Inspecting Gun Position
Lt Col Rhoden and Major Stokes
Major Phil Stokes October 1941