Pompey’s Pillar, February 1941
Pompey’s Pillar, February 1941
8 Battery Group At Hill 95, December 1941
8 Battery Group At The Rifle Range
8 Battery Group in Jericho
8 Battery Group In Tel Aviv
8 Battery Tent Group, Christmas Day 1941
Basilica St Helena, Jerusalem
9 Battery Group Palestine April 1941
9 Battery Group April 1941
9 Battery Group April 1941
Along The Road To Jerusalem
Atlas and Ahmed at Ascalon
Australian Cemetery, Jerusalem
Basilica St Helena, Jerusalem
Battery Returns To Palestine Oct 1941
Bb Campbell, Major Phil Stokes and Lindsay Lukies
Bill Bastian, Brian Allerton and John Marshall
Bofors On Deck of City of Hankow
Bofors On Deck of City of Hankow
Brian Allerton and John Marshall
Brian Allerton and John Marshall
Brian Allerton, John Marshall and Owen Hepworth
Church of Nativity Interior
Church of Nativity Jerusalem
Church Of Nativity, Jerusalem
Crusader Tower, Jerusalem
Entrance To Christ Church
Ern Cope (right) with camel
Ern Cope Overlooking Jerusalem
Five Musketeers, April 1941
Frank Washbourne, December 1941
Geoff Barlow and John Campbell
Getting To Know The Locals
Gordon Yuill and Brian Allerton
Hunter Johnston and Brian Allerton
Jack Ecker? (left) and John Marshall
Jack Thomas and John Marshall In Jerusalem
Jerusalem photos by Jack Curry
Jerusalem photos by Jack Curry
Jim Wright and John Marshall
John and Bob Campbell and John ?
John Campbell Camel Crew, Gaza, 1941
John Campbell Palestine February 1941
John Marshall – Pack Horse
John Marshall and Brian Allerton
John Marshall and Brian Allerton-1
John Marshall and friends
John Marshall and Group Cochin
John Marshall At A Local Winery
John Marshall In Jerusalem
John Marshall In Jerusalem
John Marshall In Rickshaw (Cochin)
John Marshall On A Donkey
John Marshall On The Beach
John Marshall On The Train Line
John Marshall With Locals
John Marshall, Eric Black, Brian Allerton
John Marshall, Owen Hepworth, Brian Allerton
John Purcell Donkey Races
John Purcell Donkey Races
John Purcell Donkey Races-3
Life Saving Carnival Tel Aviv
Mother and Child Ascalon-2
Outside San Remo Cafe, Tel Aviv
Palestine Camp, December 1941
Ray Everlyn Palestine 1941
Ray Everlyn, Jack Le Marshall, Said George
Rol Tonkin (Mohammed Nick)
Rol Tonkin Gun Crew, April 1941
Rol Tonkin On A Palestine Pound
Rol Tonkin Tel Aviv, March 1941
Rol Tonkin Tel Aviv, March 1941-1
Rol Tonkin Tent, April 1941
Rol Tonkin, Max Whiteside, February 1941
Sleeping Quarters – Palestine, February 1941
Tel Aviv Airport Terminal
The Milkman’s Motorbike, Tel Aviv
Troops In King David Street
Troops Marching Through A Village
Troops Marching Through A Village
Troops Marching Through A Village
Water Carrier November 1941
8 Battery Group – Palestine, March 1941