Earle Webster(7th), Ruth Harvey and Mark Haase.
Sadly, Earle passed away shortly after the reunion
Deidre Robinson, daughter of Alex Barnett (8th) and Kaye Huggins, daughter of Cec Donelly (9th).
Ruth Harvey, grand daughter of Earle Webster, Earle Webster (7th) and Mark Haase, grandson in law.
Joyce Curnow and John Campbell (8th).
Graeme Heddle, son of Charles Heddle (9th) with grand daughter Emma Heddle
Foster Crooke, son of JD Crooke (9th) with Doreen Bryant, widow of former President, Ron Bryant (8th).
Treasurer Colin Bragg (son-in-law of JC Paton, 9th) with Russell Luckock, son of Charles Luckock, (9th).
Research Officer David McDonald (son of Robert McDonald, Signals), with Alan Gorman, son of Frederick Gorman (9th).
Research Officer David McDonald addressing the Annual Reunion.
Rhonda Rose, daughter-in-law of Clive Rose (RHQ), Doreen Bryant, widow of former President Ron Bryant 8th) and Russell Luckock, son of Charles Luckock (9th).
Across a crowded room
President Anne Rae, Graeme Heddle and Emma Heddle entertaining the members present.
Across a crowded room – President Anne Rae in the foreground
Attendees at the 2015 Annual Reunion
Earle Webster (7th) and John Campbell (8th)